Robertson Geo는 4 코어 또는 동축 케이블에 Robertson Geo 슬림 라인 다운홀 프로브 (slimline downhole probes)를 배치하기 위해 다양한 용량의 자체 윈치를 설계 및 제작합니다.
배터리로 작동하는 175m 미니 윈치에서 3,000m의 중장비 및 해상 장치에 이르기까지 거친 현장 조건에서 안정적인 작동을 위해 정밀하게 설계되었습니다. Robertson Geo 윈치는 기능이 풍부하며 자동 레벨 바람, 장력 측정 및 일체형 깊이 인코더를 포함하며 모든 윈치는 Micrologger2와 호환됩니다.
Robertson Geo는 4 코어 (4-core) 또는 동축케이블 (co-axial cable) 에 Robertson Geo 슬림 라인 다운홀 프로브 (slimline downhole probes)를 배치 할 수 있는 다양한 용량의 자체 공내 물리검층 윈치 (winches)를 설계하고 제작합니다.
각 윈치는 가장 까다로운 현장 물리검층 응용 분야에서 안정적인 사용을 위해 정밀하게 설계되었습니다. Robertson Geo 윈치 (winches)는 최대 3,000m 공내 심도까지 Micrologger2 Surface Interface 제품 및 모든 Robertson Geo 공내 물리검층 프로브 (probes)와 완벽하게 호환됩니다.
Mini Winch | 500m Winch | 600m Winch
Mini Winch:
The Robertson Geo Mini Winch is portable, compact and robust. Its basic ‘no-frills’ design is aimed at long-term reliability under arduous conditions.
- Capacity: 175m (575’) 4.72, (3/16”) cable
- Speed: 0 – 17.5m/min on full drum (12VDC operation)
- Motor: 550W (12 – 24VDC)
- Size: 340(w) x 400(l) x 320(h) mm
- Weight: 19kg excluding cable
500m Winch:
A robust heavy-duty unit, the 500m Winch can be operated from a vehicle battery and is ideal for heavier probes in shallow boreholes.
- Capacity: 530m (1738’) 3/16” 4-core cable
- Speed: 0 – 13m/min
- Motor: 180W at 12VDC
- Size: 582(w) x 482(l) x 414(h) mm
- Weight: 52kg excluding cable/li>
600m Winch:
Of similar basic construction to the 500m winch, the 600m is mains/generator powered.
- Capacity: 630m (2066’) 3/16” 4-core cable
- Speed: 0 – 15m/min
- Motor: 540W at 110/220VAC
- Size: 622(w) x 696(l) x 370(h) mm
- Weight: 80kg excluding cable
1000m/2000m Winch | 3000m Winch
1000m / 2000m Winch:
The standard unit for truck-mounted operations in deep boreholes, the 2000m winch includes an integral depth wheel and an automatic level wind.
- Capacity: 2030m (6658’) 3/16” 4-core cable, 1030m (3378’) 1/4” coaxial cable
- Speed: 0 – 30m/min
- Motor: 2hp (1.5kW) at 110/220VAC
- Size: 605(w) x 1060(l) x 735(h) mm
- Weight: 142kg excluding cable
3000m Winch:
A heavy-duty electric draw-works designed for deeper hole and oil/gas investigations. Please note the pressure limits of standard Robertson Geo slimhole tools.
- Capacity: 3000m (9840’) 3/16” cable
- Speed: 0.2 – 34m/min rim: 0.5 – 100m/min
- Motor: 1,350kgF Rim: 460kgF
- Size: 1000(w) x 1100(l) x 900(h) mm
- Weight: 415kg excluding cable
2000m Marine Winch:
Working experience by Robertson Geo offshore logging crews has led to the modification of the 2000m Winch and the introduction of a Marine variation to resist corrosive, saline conditions. The communications box is waterproofed and filled with silicon to protect the electronics. Grade 316 stainless steel has been introduced to replace standard steel components. 316 contains the alloy molybdenum, significantly enhancing corrosion resistance, especially for more saline or chloride exposed environments. 316 components include structural frames, depth wheel, panels, spacers, shafts and gears, sprockets and chains.
- Capacity: 2030m (6658’) 3/16” 4-core cable, 1030m (3378’) 1/4” coaxial cable
- Speed: 0 – 30m/min
- Motor: 2hp (1.5kW) at 110/220VAC
- Size: 605(w) x 1060(l) x 735(h) mm
- Weight: 142kg excluding cable
Micrologger2 and Winlogger Software Datasheet
Robertson Geo Winches Datasheet
Mining and Mineral Applications Brochure
Water and Environmental Applicatons Brochure
Renewable Energy Applications Brochure
Oil and Gas Applications Brochure
Geotechnical Applications Brochure