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Easytrak Nexus 2 Lite USBL 제품은 향상된 Sigma 2 Spread Spectrum 기술을 사용하여 수중 목표물 위치 및 거리를 관측합니다. 최대 10개 수중 목표물 위치를 동시 추적하는 Nexus 2 Lite USBL은 사용자 컴퓨터로 운용되고 사용자 요구에 맞춰 Geo-referenced graphical overlay와 Calibration 소프트웨어를 선택할 수 있습니다. 본 USBL은 자체 IMU를 지원하고 외부 Pitch, Roll 그리고 Gyro, GPS, IMU 연동을 지원합니다. Nexus 2 Lite USBL은 USBL 운용 환경에 맞춰 Timing sync와 Responder 기능을 기본 제공합니다.

온라인 견적 요청

Easytrak Nexus 2 Lite Console
Dimensions1U, 254 x 54 x 260 mm
Weight1.0 kg
Power requirements48VDC / VAC Adapter Input: 90 VAC – 230 VAC 47 – 63Hz typically 3A
Connection to transceiverRear panel connector for 2683 Transceiver
TemperatureOperating: -10° to +40°C
Storage: -20° TO +50°C
Front panel indicatorsLED indicators for power and serial status
Serial communications4 x Console RS-232 Data Ports
Data OutputAAE format V1 and V2, TP-II2EC, TP-EC W/PR, Simrad 300P, Simrad 309, Simrad $PSIMSSB,
Pseudo $GPRMC, NMEA $GPGGA, NMEA $GPVTG, NMEA $GPTLL, Pseudo $GPGGA, KLEIN 3000 (Quick set) Multiple outputs available
CalibrationOptional – EasyCal 2 USBL Calibration tool
Optional – EasyCal 2 USBL Calibration tool
Target Heading InputNMEA HDM, HDT, HDG, PNI TCM2
Target Depth InputNMEA DBT, DBK, DBS, DPT, AAE
Time InGPS Time synch
Responder OutputPositive 12V pulse 5ms long
AudioAudible activity indicator
Model 2686N Transceiver
Material316 Stainless Steel
Weight in air / water16 kg / 11 kg
Dimensions152 mm x 432 mm (Ø x L)
TemperatureOperating: -10° to +40°C
Storage: -20° TO +50°C
Depth rating30 m
Temperature sensor1° resolution between -10° and +40° C
Cable30 m standard (20 – 150 m options) with connectors. 12.8mm Ø
Position accuracy0.45 % of slant range with external sensors, 1.49 % of slant range with internal AHRS
Range resolutionCalculated to 0.01 m resolution
Frequency band (MF)18 – 32 kHz
Tracking beam patternHemispherical, 180°
TransmitterVariable, typical max 192dB re 1μPa at 1m
Integrated AHRSBearing resolution: 0.1° displayed. Internally calculated to 0.01°
Heading sensor accuracy: +/- 0.1° resolution/repeatability
Pitch/Roll sensor accuracy: +/- 0.20° rms +/- 0.1° resolution/repeatability
Beacon typesAAE Sigma 1, Sigma 2 Digital Spread Spectrum and AAE Tone channels, AAE V-NAV channels, HPR 400 channels,
1100, 1000, 1200A, 1300A Series Beacons, Digital Depth Transponders, AAE Release and Telemetry Beacons
Interrogation Rate>2Hz refresh rate. Internally set or external key


Easytrak Nexus 2 Lite 2696 Datasheet

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