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MIDAS SVX2 Combined SVP/CTD는 음향 측심기를 활용한 수로 측량에서 수중 음속 보정과 CTD 관측을 동시 수행할 수 있습니다. MIDAS SVX2 Combined SVP/CTD는 개별 Sound Velocity Sensor가 장착되어 정확도 0.001m/s로 정확한 수중 음속 관측을 지원합니다. MIDAS SVX2 Combined SVP/CTD는 사용자 환경에 따라 다양한 관측 방법을 지원하고 RS232 및 RS485 연결 지원합니다.

온라인 견적 요청

Measurement Range
Sound Velocity Conductivity Temperature Pressure
Range 1375 – 1900 m/s 0 – 80 mS/cm -5°C to +35°C 50 bar
Resolution 0.001 m/s 0.001 mS/cm 0.001 °C 0.001 % full scaleC
Accuracy ±0.02 m/s ±0.01 mS/cm ±0.01 °C ±0.01 % full scale
Sampling Modes

Continuous: Regular output from all sensors at 1, 2, 4 or 8Hz.

Burst: Regular sampling pattern, an instrument takes a number of readings, then sleeps for a defined time.

Trip/Profile: Data is output as a chosen parameter changes by a set value, usually Pressure for profiling.

Conditional: Instrument sleeps until predefined start time.

Delay: Instrument sleeps until a selected parameter reaches a set value.


RS232: Up to 200m cable, direct to serial port via USB adaptor

RS485: Up to 1000m cable, addressable half duplex comms

Optional FSK: 2 wire power & comms up to 6000m cable (cable dependant)


Materials: Titanium housing, polycarbonate & composite sensor components, stainless steel cage

Depth Rating: Up to 6,000 m

Instrument size: Ø 88 mm x L 665 mm

Cage size: 750 x 140 x 120 mm

Weight in cage: 11.5 kg in air, 8.5 kg in water


Internal: 8 x D cells, 1.5V alkaline

External: 9 – 30V DC

Power: 0.7W (sampling), <1mW (sleeping)

Battery lige: <100 hours operation

Connector: SubConn Titanium MCBH10F


MIDAS SVX2 Combined SVP/CTD Datasheet

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